Yes, it is some hours before its official release date but you should not surprise that the final version was leaked days ago.I want to write a review for it. Though I know I shouldn't now. It takes time. This is not an album you could write a propriate review in a few listens. By the way, I don't need 13 years!
So, what? I listen, listen, listen... and read,read,read many reviews. And some of them made me angry. The fact that it was created in 13 years has nothing to do with its music, you know! Axl didn't use your money to record it. It's his own, man (or at least it's someone that not you)! And should we call this band Guns N' Roses? The only original member is Axl alone, Ok two if you count the keyboard player Dizzy Reed. My final answer is yes, it should be called Guns N' Roses. Reason? Get me ANY band in this f__kin' world that sounds more like GN'R. You understand? It's not like Pink Floyd without Roger Waters , Queen with Paul Rodgers or Led Zeppelin without Robert Plant. That's all wrong.
So, you should judge this album by what it really sounds not how long it took to create or who's in the band or not.
Any GN'R fan who likes a simple hard rock style of early GN'R should stick with Slash's and Velvet Revolver works. This is definitely not a place for you. The music is grand, complex, epic and most important, not created in a standard structure. So no wonder some critics get lost in the mix. They should not be hurry. If he or she wants to find a verse-verse-chorus-solo-bridge-verse stucture...surely they will be disappointed.
You know, any critic who doesn't mention the solos (I think it's Buckethead) in 'There Was A Time' is surely miss the boat. Man, I don't know how many thousands of solo ever passed my ears but this is one of the best, ranked with Randy Rhoades in Ozzy's Mr. Crowley (in 'Tribute'). Yeah, this is the best moment in this album. And Axl howls like he's in deepest pain all over. His voice at 46 is, incredible, better than ever!
You're looking for 'November Rain'? Sorry, dude, you won't find any. Axl didn't need to do that style once more. Personally, I think it's overrated and too simple.
Listen to 'Street Of Dreams' and 'Sorry'. Axl writes his own rule in ballad rock.
As I said, it takes time to digest all of this. So I will finish at this. Like it or not, give it a good amount of time. I believe it's not a bad one. He can make it like AC/DC, sounds like an old band that everyone's waiting for. But Axl takes risk. I don't know if it will success or fail.
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